macOS Sequoia for iPhone (Interact-able Widget) v5.2
PLEASE NOTE: To install the widget follow the following steps.
- Save the QR code to your camera roll from the download section in Gumroad.
- Download the Widgy app from the Apple App Store, and set up Widgy.
- In Widgy, ensure you are in the Create tab for the Home Screen option.
- At the very top of the Create tab select "Import", then select "Import QR code from Photos".
- Once the Widget appears in your Widgy library, tap on the "Manage" tab and scroll down to select a Large Widgy slot. Tap a Large slot and assign the downloaded widget.
- Once assigned within the Widgy app, head to your Home Screen and add the widget to your Home Screen.
Okay, with that out of the way...
Version 5.2 - RSS Feed, Trending Music Data, iOS 18 Tint Theming, Free Medium Version of Widget Included
Widgy Update Notes
- NEW: Users will receive a FREE OF CHARGE medium version of the large widget. Once setup is completed via Widgy app.
- NEW: iOS 18 tint theming support.
- NEW: Added RSS news feed page.
- NEW: Redesigned weather window with more data for today's view, and a secondary screen for forecast viewing.
- NEW: Trending Songs, Albums, and Playlists for USA pages with tap-to-stream links in Apple Music.
- Properly named a few moods
- Calendar and reminder extended events don’t repeat in the secondary pages. Giving users up to 6 items per category total.
- Slightly larger text in Weather
- UI element congruency
- Fixes to UI elements
- Reorganized folders and elements in the widget editor
Known Issues in 5.2:
- Having issues with pages getting stuck? Tap the “Close” button on the top left corner and then navigate the page you’d like to visit. This helps refresh widget.
- Slow render times for weather
- URL Schemes not taking users to dedicated iOS Settings app pages. We are waiting for Apple to provide documentation.
Version 5.1 - Battery, Performance and More Information
Widgy Update Notes
- Added an extra menu with user’s listening information (star rating, plays, skips and genre). Accessible by tapping the MiniPlayer at the top of the main screen.
- Added an extra screen to browse a selection of Apple’s music moods (12 in total).
- To make weather more legible I’ve increased the amount of white space and moved items to another screen accessible via the “View More” text button.
- Fixed wrong data value for Stand Time in health and added comments in layers to customize rings to better match progress graphics.
- Agenda has been redesigned to make the text larger and items more legible.
- Agenda has a 2-week calendar for both events and reminders, that isolates and heat maps the amount of entries per day.
- Agenda has dedicated Events and Reminder views to isolate and view more entries simultaneously. They feature heat-mapped full-month calendars.
- Side Window Quick Data now shows (in descending order) Volume percentage, Total Daily Step Count, and Heartbeats Per Minute. Weather Temperature has been removed due to creating too many location requests to the server. This helps with battery life.
- Health labels match the colors of the Activity rings.
- Slightly faster speeds when switching between tabs
Version 5.0 - Initial Release
The widget that started my madness for navigational widgets returns with version 5.0! Made with Widgy for Widgy. From the corner radius to the font weights, this widget closely follows the Apple Design Guidelines. For best results use 6.7"+ displays, with 6.1" being the minimum.
ABOUT: Tap the stoplight buttons on the top right-hand corner.
- View quick data about your device: name of person (set this up within the Widgy settings – the app itself), last reboot time, widget release date, Reddit handle for contacting me in case you forget where you got the widget from, iOS version, device model and a link to the gumroad page.
- Activity rings update as your day continues (you may need to adjust certain data within the editor to reflect your daily progress), nonetheless, Exercise, Move, and Stand values are always accurate.
- Coffee and Water Intake (easily track it with an app, I use Waterllama)
- Sleep hours and Sleep body temperature average (REQUIRES APPLE WATCH)
- Daily steps and amount of floors climbed
- Headphone Audio Level, with the most recent data
- Radio stations open instantly and begin once tapped.
- Playlists, Moods, and Radio stations are easily customizable within the widget editor. Just grab the link from Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Podcasts and plug it right in. Update the images by choosing an image from the web (no bigger than 300px by 300px).
- Version 5.1 will bring an extended screen with all of Apple's mood categories for easy launching from your home screen. Version 5.0 is equipped with only four.
- A limited re-creation of the iOS/macOS/iPadOS weather app.
- View the next 6 hours
- View the next 6 days
- Comes with dynamic gradients, which are disabled by default due to memory constraints but can easily be enabled within the widget editor.
- UV meter alongside wind speed, and humidity percentage.
- Track the available free storage on your device with a basic overview
- Keep track of network download and upload sizes for WiFi connections and Cellular data.
- Left your VPN on? The widget will tell you if it's enabled or disabled.
- Check available RAM / total device RAM installed.
- Check battery percentage and original mAh battery capacity value.
- See the size of your display and pixel density.
- Volume Percentage (5.1)
- Pedometer (5.1)
- Heartbeats Per Minute (REQUIRES APPLE WATCH)
A QR code for Version 5.0 (newest), updates for this widget in the future, and gratitude from me for helping me and my work feel loved. 🥰